Contains: minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, sulfur, iodine, and trace elements such as fluorine, cobalt and zinc, vitamin A, Complex B, Vitamin C, Vitamin P.
Other themes
*See cure Grapes
*More properties of Uva |
But cure diseases
escrofulismo,,,, contagious diseases tuberculosis, diphtheria, hemorrhoids, gallbladder, hiccups, rickets, poisoning, atherosclerosis, tonsillitis, diabetes, stomach aches, flatulence, cure prostate disease, female genital tract (ovaries and uterus), etc. .
Cure the following conditions or illnesses:
Nervousness, weakness, mental, marasmus, diseases of the teeth, bleeding gums, diseases of the oral cavity, throat, trachea, colds, rheumatism, gout, pallor, insomnia, constipation.